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"From Emotional Management to Emotional Resilience"

Updated: Aug 28, 2021

A key predictor of effectiveness, relationship, wellbeing and quality of life.

Emotional intelligence is an essential skillset for navigating the complexities of the world today. It’s a key predictor of Effectiveness, Relationships, Wellbeing & Quality of Life.

That’s one reason the World Economic Forum identifies it as one of the essential skills for the future. Unfortunately, around the globe, emotional intelligence has been on the decline since 2011.

Living in the era of technological revolution, every ten years we adapt to changes that never existed in our life before.

From rigorous digitalization to the 24/7 social media influence, from the changing professions to adapting with the ways of Gen Y, including stressful situation of COVID-19, it is only natural to feel emotionally tied down at times.

In the times of the stressful life, adults have a need for support and learning how to overcome all this, help themselves and ensure better future in all their life spheres: both personal life and work.

Erasmus+ Adult education strategic partnership project "From Emotional Management to Emotional Resilience" (EMER) seeks to encourage people having fewer opportunities (e.g. elderly, from rural areas, unemployed, etc.) to overcome difficulties, to develop abilities to manage their emotions and become more resilient emotionally.

Our overall objective is linked also to the ET 2020 policy objective of “Promoting equity, social cohesion, and active citizenship – project participants will take part in the activities in the programme that address their personal development, focusing especially on building their self-confidence, improving attitude and behaviour, and enhancing basic skills such as communication, team working, etc.

The partnership involves various organisations from Lithuania, Latvia, Spain, Italy and Turkey: adult education centres, non-profit associations, private training provider, public educational club. Team of experienced adult educators and psychologists will work together to provide high quality, innovative training tools for adult educators and high-demanded learning opportunities for adults.

Within the framework of the project, such intellectual outputs will be developed:

(1) “EMER - Emotional Management: Step-by-Step to Emotional Resilience” - Training Materials with Techniques Using Gamification
(2) E-platform “EMER - Emotional Management: Step-by-Step to Emotional Resilience”, including educational videos of the project, aims to create a continuously learning society and to enhance taking life-long learning opportunities. The project deals on promoting lifelong learning through providing opportunities in education with the focus on strengthening adults’ life skills.

All products (methodology) could be easy adapted and transferred to other sectors: youth, higher education, schools, VET education, etc.

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